To make your life a bit easier this tax time, we have pulled together some resources to help you get your tax information organised.


In order to complete your tax return we need you to provide your income information, this may include:

Rental Income

Foreign Income

Trust Distributions

Government Payments

Wage Income

Business Income

Dividends/Share Income

Interest Received

If you’re unsure if you need to declare some of your income, just ask us and we will be able to let you know.

What Can I Claim?

This is a question we hear all too often, so to make it a bit easier we have provided a list of occupations below, if you click on these a handy PDF fact sheet will pop up, giving you a rough guide of what you can & can’t claim.


Common Deductions

We have listed some of the more common deductions below, click on them to find out if you can claim them.

How to claim deductions


 Downloadable Forms